Rabu, 03 September 2014

Pengenalan Dasar Java

Java adalah salah satu bahasa pemrograman yang bersifat open source yang merupakan produk dari Sun Microsystem dan sekarang di peganga oleh oracle. Bahasa Java adalah bahasa modern yang telah diterima masyarakat komputasi dunia. Hampir semua perusahaan perangkat lunak dan komputer besar mendukung dan mengembangkan aplikasi sistem berbasis Java. Java adalah salah satu bahasa pemrogaman
(Bisa berjalan di berbagai macam sistem operasi) karena pada dasarnya java mempunyai Jre (java runtime environment) atau dapat kita artikan sebagai mesin tersendiri untuk mengeksekusi binary code hasil dari compilasi program yang telah kita buat, bereda dengan bahasa pemrograman vb, c++ yang memanfaatkan komponen sistem dalam Windows untuk mengeksekusi binary code hasil kompilasi program.. Pada Tahun 1996, Sun Microsystem secara resmi merilis versi awal Java yang kemudian terus berkembang hingga muncul JDK 1.1 (
 Java Development Kit versi 1.1
). Perkembangan terus dilakukan hingga muncul versi baru yang disebut Java 2. Perubahan utama antara versi sebelumnya adalah adanya Swing yang merupakan teknologi
Graphical User Interface
(GUI) yang mampu menghasilkan aplikasi
 yang benar-benar baik. Untuk mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis java, kita memerlukan Java Development Kit(JDK), saat ini  java telah mencapai versi 2 yang kenal dengan java 2 platform. Java 2 platform, dibagi menjadi tiga kategori yaitu: 1.
Java 2 Standart Edition (J2SE) 2.
Java 2 Enterprice Edition(J2EE) 3.
Java 2 Micro Edition(J2ME)

Pemrograman berorientasi objek (OOP) ialah sebuah metode pemrograman berbasiskan hirarki kelas-kelas dan melibatkan objek. Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek merupakan fitur utama pada Java dimana syarat utamanya kita harus membuat program berupa kelas . Sebuah kelas  ialah sebuah struktur yang mendefinisikan data dan method untuk bekerja pada data tersebut.  Ketika kita membuat program OOP di java, semua data diselubung oleh sebuah kelas. Berikut rumus umum dari OOP :

 //membuat objek dari suatu kelas menggunakan new
nama kelas  nama_objek = new nama_kelas
//memanggil method dari objeknya
//mengeset properties
  Sumber : http://materi-java.blogspot.com/

Kelebihan dan kekurangan Java

Setelah membahas mengenai pengertian java, selanjutnya kita membahas mengenai kelebihan dan kekurangan java

Kelebihan Java yang pertama tentu saja multiplatform. Java dapat dijalankan dalam beberapa platform komputer dan sistem operasi yang berbeda. Hal ini sesuai dengan slogannya yangs udah dibahas sebelumnya. Yang kedua adalah OOP atau Object Oriented Programming. Java memiliki library yang lengkap. Library disini adalah sebuah kumpulan dari program yang disertakan dalam Java. Hal ini akan memudahkan pemrograman menjadi lebih mudah. Kelengkapan library semakin beragam jika ditambah dengan karya komunitas Java.
Setiap hal pasti memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan. Kekurangan yang dimiliki oleh Java adalah pada satu slogannya, takni “Tulis sekali dan jalankan dimana saja” ternyata tidak sepenuhnya benar. Beberapa hal harus disesuaikan jika dijalankan pada platform yang berbeda. Misalnya untuk J2SE dengan platform SWT-AWT bridge tidak dapat berfungsi di Mac OS X. Kekurangan lainnya adalah kemudahan aplikasi Java didekompilasi. Dekompilasi adalah suatu proses membalikkan sebuah aplikasi menjadi kode sumbernya. Hal ini memungkinkan terjadi pada Java karena berupa bytecode yang menyimpan bahasa tingkat tinggi. Hal ini terjadi pula pada platform .NET dari Microsoft sehingga program yang dihasilkan mudah dibajak kodenya karena sulit untuk disembunyikan.

Kekurangan Java yang lain adalah penggunaan memori yang cukup banyak, lebih besar daripada bahasa tingkat tinggi sebelum generasi Java. Namun hal ini memang sesuai dengan fitur beragam yang dimiliki oleh Java. Masalah memori ini juga tidak dialami oleh semua pengguna aplikasi Java. Mereka yang sudah menggunakan perangkat keras dengan teknologi terbaru tidak merasakan kelambatan dan konsumsi memori Java yang tinggi. Lain halnya dengan mereka yang menggunakan teknologi lama atau kompuer yang sudah berumur tua lebih dari empat tahun akan merasakan adanya kelambatan. Namun apapun kelemahan yang dimiliki Java, faktanya adalah Java merupakan bahasa pemrograman yang populer dan digunakan di seluruh dunia saat ini.

Sumber : http://belajar-komputer-mu.com/pengertian-pemrograman-java-kelebihan-dan-kekurangan/


Rabu, 16 Juli 2014


To be smart and clever and painstaking course must actively learn. how efficient and appropriate for students in learning? when the right time so that ultimately the optimal?

each one can ensure its own when it is very fitting for the study. determine whether morning, afternoon or mala day. the entire match with the existing situation. The good study was done every day, despite the not too distant future. for example, 1 or 2 hours each day.

so many schoolchildren now learn to die only when there is death or repeat exams. a very fitting time to learn can be matched with the mood and tolerance of our bodies. not necessarily every night, when we are at 8 or 9 pm was so sleepy can specify the evening or after maghrib.

then indeed the time to learn a person can not be the same. do not be too imposing absolute or memporsir Study abroad until late at night because generally eventually no longer be optimal.

below as well as the way of a good trick to learn steps to face exams

1. Study group
weld studying alone? Just try to learn to associate with the group. the study group learning activities can be very exciting because there friends. belaar with a good group and invite colleagues are smart to study hard so that contaminated motivated and resourceful.

2. Diligently try to make notes or the gist of the lesson
each chapter there are always lessons parts absolute. nah The good side of this absolute contrived records in a separate book. in very useful when dealing with existing test or exam.

3. Always so disciplined and patient in the study
absolute here is the quality of learning. although only 1-2 hours one day but if in doing each day can certainly add better than learning in a very long period of time at a specific moment alone. for example, only to learn when there is repetition or exams.

4. Ask questions if not understood
time teachers generally complete review of the subject can ask questions on his students. if it has clearly? Do not doubt and afraid to ask questions if indeed the lack of understanding or lack of understanding.

5. Stay away from dishonest sukap

This current lot of students make notes to cheat when no test or exam. by learning with a student on a regular schedule can always be ready when there is no need to repeat the impromptu and cheating

The easy way to Learn English fast!

My Experience of Learning English

          I became familiar with the English language since grade 4 elementary school. At that time the school entered the English language tutoring for students. At that time I was offered by one of the teachers to take lessons, after I asked to my parents finally allowed me to follow the lessons. First I learn English, tutor teaches about numbers and alphabets. Meeting after meeting was I passed, I became interested ddengan english english because I think it is the gate to get to the WORLD. I follow the lessons in elementary school until grade 6, after that I get a certificate of English language with a very satisfactory value. At that time I was very excited and wanted to advance the spirit again to learn English.
          On the junior high school level, I follow the lessons again in one of the rather well-known in the area. The place is called ACE, I follow the lessons 2 times a week with one of my friends at school. In that place I found a lot of friends and a lot of additional lessons about the English language that I know of yet. By following the lessons I can figure out the lessons in the school quickly. After 2 years of follow lessons, eventually I at graduation with satisfactory grades.
           At the high school level, I find the teachers are super extra English language teaching. Whenever a meeting is definitely assigned, to the extent ordered to do the work and translate that exist in one book pack in a short time frame. If it does not work on my teacher would give an odd sentence that makes all students in the class laughed.

That's my little penglaman about learning English, hopefully the readers of this blog may took this wisdom and lessons from this paper.

Selasa, 15 Juli 2014

7 Rules (How to) for Speaking Fluent in English-learning materials is sourced from prime english tutorial made ​​by Mr. AJ Hoge Effortless English Teaching System maker's "7 Rules for Excellent English Speak"

Rule 7 (a way) to Speaking Fluent in English

Listening and Responding method 
1.Use Short Stories (Listen and Answer Min Story) instead of Hearing and Repeaters (Listen and Repeat).

Methods of learning English that often we get so far is Hearing and Repeaters (Listen and repeat), for example, we are learning English after listening to tapes, we repeat what we hear, and it was not enough because it only copies the conversation. However, with the hearing and answer (Question of the story) we have to think to think and to be answered quickly. If doing it this way on a regular basis for 4 months, increasing the ability to speak, able to speak quickly, easily and automatically.

So what exactly Listen and Answer Mini Story?

Recording a mini story (short) interspersed many easy questions, but constant, rapidly. So do not have time to think about grammar. Thus trained to talk, quickly and automatically.
How is that how to make:

To make Listen And Answer Mini Story that we actually need the help of a native English tutor people (Native Tutor), to make a recording of mini stories are interspersed many questions. Mini story is what should we hear every day.

2. Quit Studying Grammar Rules

Whenever incoming class english grammar rules must be learned especially tenses and grammar rules. We were required to memorize so many tenses. Although it was memorized and understood, most of us would stutter or tebata-brick used in conversation, the other person let alone foreigners. That happens because learning grammar rules makes us always think of when engaged in conversation. While we want to learn definitely want to be able to use it in everyday life secala smooth and natural.

3. Use methods of Hearing (Listening)

To understand the English language we have a lot to hear. Stop reading Test Book (English textbooks) because the materials in the textbooks actually very rarely used in everyday percarakapan and start to hear anything that was delivered in English. Learn by ear rather than the eye. English Mendengarlah 1-3 hours every day.

4. Studying In Depth

Learn in depth to be able to talk easily. Learn every word, every phrase in depth in order to really stored in memory, not only to understand / remember the meaning or learn just for the exam. Quickly learned quickly just makes us forget what they have learned.

How is that learning in depth, how to learn / hear each material many times. What if the audio book had learned 3 times a day for 10 days.

Same 5.Dengarkan Short Story Presented by Time (tenses) Different (Point Of View Stories)

Diaturan 2 do not learn the rules of grammar, even so we should still be able to use correct grammar.

So how where do I?
Learn grammar naturally.
Do I hear the same short story that is delivered using the time (tense) different, the story is called Point Of View Stories.

Example: First heard stories that use the Present Tense Every day, After having completely understand and adhere diingatan, heard the same story again but the use of Past Tense (And so on using different tenses).

How to create a Point Of View Stories
Look for stories / short article in the Present Tense, then ask your tutor to write the original English kebali with time (tenses) different (Ex: Past Tense, Future Tense, Perfect Tense), and then ask him to read and record it.

Actually 6.Belajarlah English language is not English Text Book (based on book)

Have friends over to learn English, but it is still problematic to understand the words of the English?
Actually we are not wrong, it is a learning method that we use for this is simply to learn English by Books (Text book of English). Therefore we have to learn the English language that is not really a Text Book (albeit delivered in a cassette or CD).
Learning materials based on the book, not the same as that used in everyday life.

To be able to understand what the English people to say / say, then we must do what they usually do. Listening to what others have to, watch what they used to watch, read what others have read.

To be able to speak / understand what was said in English to be heard, in accordance with atauran to talk easily to be heard. Therefore only listen to real english, tv, radio, movies, radio talk shows, audio books, audio article in English.

7. Methods Listening and Responding to Short Stories (Listen and Answer Mini Story) is an easy and fast way to be able to speak the English language easily and automatically.

7 Rules (How to) for Speaking Fluent in English, may be useful and apologize if there is an error in the delivery. Because I am just trying to share what I have learned in the Indonesian language that is easily understood.